Saturday, December 31, 2011

Beer Bread......tsk tsk

For the love of all things holy - people DO NOT go spend $6-7 for a mix of beer bread, please! I'm going to give you the recipe.

Granted, there is something awfully nice about just emptying the bag in a bowl and mixing. Some days even I don't want to mess with measuring cups (don't judge, the twins wear me out!). So, I'll be selling the mix's this coming year for $3 if your more of a fan of 'just add beer'.

So I tackled getting this down rite - my family is hooked! It's so easy!

It's awesome when used for stuffing!


Beer bread by Josie

Beer bread

1 12oz can of beer
3 cups self rising flour (NOT ALL PURPOSE)
2tbs sugar
2tbs brown sugar

Combine sugars and flour. Add your can of beer, stir stir stir......batter will be sticky.

Now here's the split you can A) put the batter into you loaf pan and bake


You can split it into two pans, let rest for an hour - the batter will double in size, same flavor but a much more delicate crumb.

Ok now this part is the same for both. Bake at 375 for 50-55 minutes. Half way through, brush with melted butter, then again at the last 2 minutes.

Variations I love.
Throw in a handful of finely shredded parmesan or asiago cheese, add a little garlic powder to the melted butter.


add a tbs of cinnamon to the flour, add a heavy sprinkle of cinnamon sugar to each butter basting. Serve with maple brown sugar spread :-)



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